Who we are

Repower The Dandenongs began back in 2007
Our history

Repower The Dandenongs is a not for profit, not politically aligned community group to promote renewable energy.

It was formed as Dandenong Ranges Renewable Energy Association Inc. (DRREA) in 2007.

Review our Aims, History and Past Events


DRREA organised over 40 forums, 4 EV displays & 4 Sustainable House events
Our Aims

Repowering The Dandenongs by...

  1. Encouraging residents of The Dandenongs to reduce their carbon footprint and providing practical advice
  2. Initiating community based renewable energy projects across the Dandenong Ranges.
  3. Promoting the innovative application of renewable energy technologies.
  4. Providing opportunities to invest in renewable energy projects which deliver environmental and educational benefits to the community.


DRREA started in September 2007 as a result of meetings at the Upwey CFA Hall and Emerald Community House Hall. The main aim set at these meetings was to promote community awareness of renewable energy. The brief description of DRREA’S ACTIVITIES are an insight into how we went about pursuing that goal. 

Our first project was a partnership with Emerald Primary School. DRREA members paid for 10 extra solar panels in addition to the 2 kilowatts of panels already planned by the School. Over the next 10 years those generous members received an annual power payment from the School.

Our next project was the Upwey- Belgrave Solar Neighborhood which was a bulk purchase of one Kilowatt solar systems. It started with a public meeting in Upwey with over 100 ‘Expressions of Interest’.  12 months later only 42 houses had been installed due to shading issues. This was followed by a solar hot water bulk purchase which again had many expressions of interest, but few installations because of the installation costs.

Over the next few years DRREA organised over 40 forums with guest speakers on many aspects of renewable energy, climate science and sustainable living. DRREA also ran 4 Electric Car and Electric bike displays as well as 4 Sustainable House Tours and Field Trips.

Another feature was the help and encouragement we gave community groups to install solar systems on their buildings. DRREA worked with Emerald Primary School, Kallista Primary, the Uniting Church Emerald, The Community Health Centre Belgrave and St Marks Anglican Emerald. DRREA also worked with Cardinia and Yarra Ranges Shire to get solar on Belgrave and Emerald Libraries.

Simultaneously DRREA has been a regular stall holder at local festivals in Rowville, Selby, Emerald and Yarra Junction. This was the most naked example of awareness raising.

The remaining feature of DRREA’s activities was our organisation of local versions of Climate Change actions. DRREA worked with the following groups over many years. The ATA, Beyond Zero Emissions. Solar Citizens, 100%.org, Environment Victoria and 350.org.

When you add other DRREA initiatives like Ranges Energy, Our annual  Ride 4 Solar and Emerald Going Solar it suggests that it is time DRREA updated its goals and changed with the times.  Many thanks to those members who supported DRREA since 2007. I hope all members will participate in the new DRREA and support its new initiatives. 

Written by Peter Cook

Emerald: Solar Town

This map outside Emerald Community House details the commercial and community buildings with solar systems in Emerald.


Join our Association

Membership is $10 Annually (July to June)

Direct deposit to: Bendigo Bank Account: Dande Ranges Renewable Energy Assoc.
BSB 633-000  Account No: 131763666

Email receipt to  info@drrea.org.au 

Payment confirms your acceptance of the rules of Association

Contact Us

Interested in a home energy assessment by our volunteers?
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